Here’s an interesting article from the NY Times and the quote which sums it up nicely: “The economy is an issue even for people who don’t need the money.”

The Simple Dollar has a good post on ten steps on how to get credit card debt under control. I don’t have credit card debt (not anymore) so it doesn’t really apply to me, but it’s a good reference.

Nicole at Breaking Even is looking for your blood. I never knew they were like that in Maine… she has launched a June Blood Drive, with the (collective) goal of donating 50 pints of blood in June. Let her know if you’ve donated blood in June and you’ll be entered to receive a copy of Nickel and Dimed- a great book.

Amy at My Daily Dollars talks about how she tracks her budget. I am a confirmed budget keeper and yet she managed to give me two more ideas. Hop on over and read my comment to see which ones!Two budgets

If you like to sew, here is an open-source sewing site. Free patterns anyone?

I was in the Festival of Frugality at No Debt Plan with my post on the simple pleasures in life. I enjoyed reading the article 55 Ways To Save Pennies at Value For Your Life. Another good list of ways to cut cost and consumption.

I was in the Carnival of Personal Finance at Moolanomy with my post on Etsy marketing. I was one of the last entries to the carnival, and my post is at the very bottom of the page. That means that you can check out all the great articles that come before me!

Finally I was in the Carnival of Money Stories at Finance Gets Personal with my review of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Finance Girl did an excellent job of hosting- you really should drop by and read her comments.